Minutes of the Last VHCA Meeting

June 2015

These draft minutes will be submitted to the membership for approval at the September meeting.

At 7:29 PM on June 16th, 2015, President Warren Suyderhoud called the meeting of the Virginia Hills Citizens Association (VHCA) to order at the Old Virginia Hills School. The speaker was MPO Robert Urps with the Fairfax County Police Department.

President Suyderhoud called the business portion of the meeting to order at 8:20 PM.


The April 2015 meeting minutes were unanimously approved.

Officer Reports

Vice President's Report: Vice President Ralph Zecca was not in attendance at the meeting, so there was no report.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Robin Jones was also out for this meeting, but she had previously sent in the following information. There is a balance of $2,454.65 and a Dominion Power credit of $12.29. Doug Boulter asked if the balance included the 23 memberships that couldn't be deposited but since Robin was out, there was no one in attendance who could answer that question.

Membership Report: Membership Director Akiko Zecca indicated that the current membership is still at 120 households. Some ideas for improving membership include a possible pool party (as the Virginia Hills Pool is interested in establishing a mutually beneficial relationship) and a community yard sale. Lee Anne Alloway suggested using the pool parking lot for the yard sale.

Echo Editor's Report: Echo Editor Leah Buckley reported that there are two new delivery people for the Echo- the household of Christine Gettings/Jeremy Woodrum and also Crysta Cook. Also, there were two new advertisers- Highland Park Pool and Orchard Country Produce Stand. Also, there was a profit of $136.34 from this printing of the Echo. The cost was $448.66 and the income from advertising was $585.

Old Business:  None

New Business:

VHCA needs to approve the meeting dates for the 2015-2016 calendar year. President Suyderhoud proposed the following dates: September 15th, December 8th, February 9th, April 12th, and June 14th. These were unanimously approved. Ed Zahbrosky reminded the board that we need to reserve the room for the meetings.

Doug Boulter made a motion that we approve the budget for D&O insurance in advance of the September meeting in case the meeting isn't held. Motion was unanimously approved.

President's Announcements:

President Suyderhoud asked if everyone in attendance at the meeting can ask their neighbors to get the word out about VHCA membership.

Discussion from the Floor

Doug Boulter asked about the speaker for the next meeting and suggested the principal of Hayfield Secondary. Juliana Sharp suggested an attorney for liability issues pertaining to home ownership.

Announcements From the Floor:

President Suyderhoud asked Doug Boulter, the Association's Land Use Committee representative, to discuss recent land use issues. Mr. Boulter named the following recent issues:

George Alloway asked about the house across from Memorial Street that appears to have been abandoned. No one seemed to know about it.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Juliana Sharp, Secretary